Managed Data Services And Telephones: How The Two Are Related

Managed data services, through a place like Tele-Plus, are essentially services provided to help you store, utilize, maintain and scale your data.  When the services are offered in conjunction with telephone services, much of the data collected from incoming and outgoing calls is recorded and stored.  There are other connections between the data services and telephones too, and they are often vital to any business that provides customer service relations. Here is more on how managed data services and phones/phone services are related.

Opening A New Factory? 2 Types Of Technology You Can Use On Your Factory Floor

If you are opening a new factory, you must decide what type of technology you want to use for your factory floor. If you are having problems deciding this, below is some information about two types of technology you can choose from to help you make an informed decision. Data Highway Plus Data Highway Plus (DH+) is a local area network that is designed to communicate between programmable logic controllers (PLCs), synchronous link controls (SLCs), and personal computers (PCs).

Three Reasons To Schedule In-House Days For Managed IT Services

If you have a small business, hiring full-time, in-house IT professionals for your business networking and computer systems may not be a possibility. For this reason, managed IT services work best. Outsourcing to an IT service from outside of your location can keep your computer systems running smoothly without straining your budget. Although you may outsource your IT service, you should schedule in-house days for the team for several reasons. Here are three reasons to schedule weekly or monthly IT services.

Tips For Keeping Your Phone Charged During The Day

If you constantly are traveling or are moving around a lot during your job, you might not have the luxury of being able to plug your phone in whenever you want to charge it. You might have to strategically charge your phone before you go to work for the day and then hope that it stays charged until you get home. Here are some tips for keeping your mobile phone's charge up so that you aren't without a phone.

Two Reasons Why Your Small Business Needs Data Historian Software

When it comes to business, it's all about keeping track of the ebbs and flows in production.  While it's important to observe these things with your physical senses, it's also vital to have a formal record of the changes.  That's where data historian software comes in.  Data historian software is a tool that tracks trend data.  Trend data includes measurement samples over a specified period of time.  Learning more about the benefits of data historian software will help you see why your small business should invest in it today.